Electronic lock with RFID CARD


Bluetooth electronic lock with keypad and RFID – iLock.

Managing your hotel rooms has never been easier. With our iLock electronic lock, you can equip your facility with a modern and functional room access management system. I am able to manage the opening of the hotel rooms through cards, without the need to pass electric wires. The cards can be fixed (by purchasing the basic version of the lock) or with the FULL version it is possible to program the cards by setting the assigned room and duration. Electronic door locks have a mechanical key for emergency opening


Serratura elettronica per hotel e b&b

Bluetooth electronic lock with keypad and RFID – iLock.

Managing your hotel rooms has never been easier. With our iLock electronic lock, you can equip your facility with a modern and functional room access management system. I am able to manage the opening of the hotel rooms through cards, without the need to pass electric wires. The cards can be fixed (by purchasing the basic version of the lock) or with the FULL version it is possible to program the cards by setting the assigned room and duration. Electronic door locks have a mechanical key for emergency opening


Features of the iLock electronic lock


The owner can open with his passpartout card, depending on the version purchased he can manage users and assign them cards. In fact, the cards can be limited or permanent. Timed cards can be customized in any way, such as for a single hour or for a few days a week. It is also possible to block access for cards that had previously been activated.

Serratura elettronica vista frontale

The entrance door locks for hotels are made of stainless steel and copper alloy, of high quality and safety.

Acoustic signal for battery replacement.
Door opening with RFID badge.
Mechanical emergency key to open the lock manually


Serratura elettronica per hotel e b&b

Our secure locks have the following features:
Only 4 AA alkaline batteries are required for its operation.
It is not necessary to prepare electrical wires.
It always guarantees exit to the outside even with closed doors, thanks to the anti-panic function.

Sostituzione batterie serrtatura elettronica

If necessary, for emergency openings, simply remove the front cover to open the door using a mechanical key and gain access to the room.
The door is opened by simply approaching the card.

Serratura elettronica con chiave emergenza

The life of the batteries in our electronic lock is approximately 30,000 openings or 12/18 months.
In any case, an acoustic warning will be given when the time to replace them approaches.
Electronic hotel lock low and accessible prices for all facilities.


The electronic lock in the Easy or Smart version includes:

N° 1 Electronic Lock
N° 1 System Card
N° 3 Cards for guests
N° 2 emergency mechanical keys

Programming is simple and does not require any software


Versione Easy della serratura elettronica iLock

The Full version of the electronic lock includes:

N°1 Electronic lock
N°1 System Card
N°3 Cards for guests
N°2 Emergency mechanical keys
Software for card management and programming.

With this software the cards are programmed for the entire period of the customer’s stay. At the end of this period, the cards will no longer be able to open any doors


Versione full serratura elettronica

iLock Electronic Lock Assembly Instructions

Visualizza le istruzioni per il corretto montaggio della serratura per automazione camere hotel.


iLock Electronic Lock Brochure

Open the Lock brochure to view technical characteristics, functionality and compatibility



Video Tutorial Serratura digitale con CARD

Montaggio e programmazione schede RFID

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